2025-2027 High School Graduates
Friday, April 4th: Come join us for a collegiate level practice as we get to take on a conference opponent. Practice is from 5-7 PM on Recreation Field 2. Come to talk with the coaches, ask them questions, and get a chance to meet the players who could be your future teammates.
Saturday, April 5th: From 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. showcase tour skills that you have been training hard for. The prospect day practice/scrimmage consists of drills that the Ducks run throughout the season with collegiate level coaching and players of the team giving you tips. Following the prospect weekend practice and scrimmage, prospects and parents will receive a student led campus tour. This will be your opportunity to see the campus and learn tips and tricks from a fellow student on our team.
Sunday, April 6th: Come watch as the Oregon Ducks take on University of Washington, a league rival. You will be able to feel the atmosphere that we play in game in and game out. You will also get the opportunity tot feel the pace and skill level of a collegiate level conference matchup. (You do not need to attend the whole weekend to participate)